Jim Wiltens seeks out individuals with remarkable skills.
Then he distills those skills into teachable talents.
Jim has worked as a research scientist, marine biologist, commercial diver, industrial chemist, university coach of championship teams, and award winning columnist. He owns and directs Deer Crossing Camp.
Jim's writing includes six books and numerous articles. His column on how to motivate children appeared in parenting publications across the US and internationally. He is a three time recipient of the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism award for the best column in a parenting publication. His books include: Individual Tactics in Water Polo, Edible and Poisonous Plants of Northern California, Goal Express!, No More Nagging, Nit-picking, and Nudging, Memory Smart, Camels Skulls and Cobras, and Remember What You Read: how to memorize a book. Jim served on advisory boards for the San Francisco Chronicle Outdoors in the Classroom program and the San Jose Mercury News Venture Section.
Jim works with Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) programs in California. In the school districts where Jim teaches, many of the students call him "the adventure guy." His adventures include high altitude climbing in the Andes, exploring underwater caves in the Yucatan, kayaking the headwaters of the Amazon, paragliding over Africa, and buying camels to ride across the Thar desert of India and the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.
Jim lives with his wife in Redwood City, California.
Discovery of a dinosaur skeleton while riding across the Gobi desert on my camel Earli Har
Rappelling 600 feet in Nepal to reach caves occupied by humans centuries ago
Learning to charm a cobra in India
““Jim’s knowledge, motivation, and presentation skills are remarkable. With an instructor of his caliber we simply need more time with him. Please get him to do more workshops.” ”