Practical solutions, humor, and audience interaction make for an enjoyable seminar.
Jim delivers workshops and presentations to teachers and coaches in elementary, middle and high schools, as well as colleges and universities.
100% Positive Teacher
To be a 100% positive teacher, you need to be proactive. Proactive means having a plan that will help you remain upbeat for the school year. Hear the stories of proactive teachers who deal with concerns over schoolwork, discipline, and homework. This is an interactive workshop in which you will:
- Discover 5 steps that motivate children and build self-esteem at the same time
- Learn how to change behavior without criticizing
- Get information on how to encourage super traits with a superhero's closet
Successful methods used by parents, teachers, and coaches, as well as recent research have been condensed into this state of the art system for inspiring, motivating and influencing children. Practical solutions, humor, and audience interaction make for an enjoyable seminar.
There is much more to coaching than understanding the technical aspects of the game. There is a mental side to coaching that offers a tremendous edge. How do you bring out the best in your athletes? How do you bring out the best in yourself as a coach? This is a view of coaching that takes you off the playing field, away from the gym, out of the pool and inside your athlete's heads.
Learn How To:
- Analyze your coaching technique for a positive style
- How to use high tech methods that lead to positive coaching
- Accelerate athletic performance by understanding how the brain processes information
- Perfect individual performance using an ancient martial arts technique
- Win at team sports with the lighthouse technique
- Psych up for competition like Olympic athletes
Jim's Coaching Background:
Jim's sport background includes swimming and playing water polo at the international level, university coach of championship water polo teams, British Columbia Provincial Coach, Vice President of Water Polo Coaching Certification in Canada, head water polo coach at the Canada Games, instructor at West Coast Tae Kwon Do Black Belt College, NAUI SCUBA instructor, and director/owner of Deer Crossing Camp offering programs in canoeing, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, lifeguarding, backpacking, archery, and rock climbing. He's the author of Individual Tactics in Water Polo.
Children may learn, communicate, and make decisions in a style markedly different from their parents. Using techniques based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) and the Murphy-Meisgier Type Indicator® (MMTI) two widely used personality assesment tools we will:
- Identify personality strengths and how they affect learning
- Learn about your own personal preference as well as your child’s
- Look at specific ways to improve communication
- Discover how to improve academic performance by working with your child's strengths
Jim's MBTI Background: Jim is a certified presenter of MBTI and MMTI materials, and received his training from Otto Kroeger and Janet Thuesen.
This class adds the fourth R to Readin', 'Ritin', and 'Rithmatic. The fourth R is Remembering. A big chunk of a student's academic success is based on remembering. From kindergarten to college, tests measure memory. This is a class in "memory literacy," a universally beneficial skill. Memory skills are taught with an emphasis on subjects kids study in school: reading comprehension, social studies, spelling, science, and geography. Using skills learned in this class, students have:
- Memorized all 50 states and their capitals in under two hours
- Learned 100 foreign language words in a weekend
- Been able to list the 43 presidents of the United States in order after an hour of study
- Memorized chapters in a textbook and then recited back major points and examples
- Explained in order the 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution after an hour of memory work
Secrets of a Super Memory is an interactive class in which teachers learn 3 powerful memory techniques and specific applications for the classroom. Learn:
- The 3S technique for remembering everything from vocabulary to science terminology
- How to spell like a spelling bee champion
- Memory games that can be applied to a variety of subjects
- How to dramatically increase recall and comprehension of reading material
Arrangements can be made so that each of your teachers receives a copy of Memory Smart: Nine Memory Skills Every Grade Schooler Needs. This book is packed with memory techniques to help teachers with subjects they teach every day.
“The staff loved the Memory Smart teachers-in-service. Comments were that it was fun, hands-on, and the two hours went too fast.”