To succeed you need to exceed being average. Discover power habits that accelerate performance.
Attitude habits that support success
Are you satisfied with who you are? Don't be. The best employees are satisfied with who they are becoming. Resilience and solution-oriented thinking are the invisible architecture of success. Does your company culture encourage these traits in every employee? If you do, everyone benefits.
Attitude habits that support success:
- What is the first step you need to take to develop a leadership attitude?
- What are the worst 9 phrases a leader can use?
- What are the best 9 phrases a leader can use?
- How do you turn power language into a habit?
- What is an invitational stem and how do you use it to solve problems?
- What are 5 steps a leader can use to create a positive work environment?
- How do you change behavior in 5 steps without negative criticism?
- Why are leaders brain's different and are you doing what it takes to develop a leader brain?
Do your employees bounce back?
- Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
- Take the optimism/pessimism test
- What is the new science of optimism and why is it crucial for your business?
- Discover the optimist advantage and how you can use it as a leader
- What are 3 topics people complain about that drag those around them down?
- Would you take a challenge that can raise you success quotient?
Adventures in Goal Setting
Jim’s goal-setting adventures began after reading an article in Life Magazine about the explorer John Goddard. John had made the first kayak descent of the full length of the Nile River. It was an amazing adventure story, but even more amazing was the revelation that Goddard had predicted this expedition. At age 15, Goddard wrote down a list of 127 life goals, exploring the Nile was one of those goals.
Inspired by his example, Jim began his own goal list. Over the years he discovered five principles that lead to successful goal setting. Using these principles he has kayaked through headhunter territory, been marooned on a deserted island, searched for ancient human skeletons in the depths of submerged caves, and bought camels to ride across India and Mongolia. Jim’s stories are often laugh-out-loud white-knuckled adventures that illustrate the keys to successful goal-setting.
Less than 1% of the U.S. population follows a consistent goal-setting program. That 1% controls 50% of the wealth in the United States. This group also tends to have better health, relationships, and life satisfaction. In one of Jim’s books, Goal Express!, he tells the story of Michael Cookson, a member of the 1% Club, who started a company that sold for $40 million after just four years. The goal-setting principles Jim shares work for building companies, relationships, health, and life adventures.
Participants learn:
- The formula for writing a goal with high-success probability
- A technique for deciding on which goals to pursue
- To take the first steps towards turning a goal into reality
- How to overcome obstacles on the way to your goal
- The psychological principle that makes goal-setting work
Loading up a yak with stealth cameras while searching for a yeti in Nepal
Working with a Kazak eagle in Mongolia
Horseback through Cappadocia in Turkey
Spark Innovation with A Morning, Afternoon, or Evening with Leonardo DaVinci
Imagine Leonardo DaVinci visiting your work place. In full costume and character, Leonardo will instruct you in innovation principles that made him one of the most creative individuals of all time.
His insights in engineering, anatomy, art, design, theatre, hydraulics, biology, geology, optics, architecture, astronomy, robotics, and yes even the beginnings of computer design were driven by a unifying principle— “How do you look at the same thing as everyone else and see something different?”
Get to know DaVinci on a personal level, learning how to see through DaVinci’s eyes when approaching a problem.
- How can you apply Leo’s approach to creating a masterpiece for your own product development?
- Leo cited it as his source for inspiration. It could be yours as well.
- It was a principle applied to his incredible anatomical drawings, the production of plays that made him famous across Europe, and scientific discoveries. It is a technique you could use to drive innovation in your own company.
- When you discover this principle, you will never look at the Mona Lisa or your own project the same way again.
- It’s why DaVinci is famous 500 years after his death. It could sell your idea to a CEO or the public.
- Leo was not bound by convention, yet everyone who seeks to innovate faces this bondage. Discover how to escape the trap with DaVinci’s help.
- A series of drawings, known as the grotesques, added to DaVinci’s uniqueness. Learn how to use this creative technique to your advantage.
- Leo would argue that many wishful innovators squander their gold florins. One simple habit of Leo’s could make you a fortune.
Mystery surrounds Leonardo. The Italian Renaissance was a time of dangerous intrigues, and prudent men did not divulge all their secrets. Now over five hundred years later he is free to tell some of his stories. You will be inspired, you’ll laugh and be surprised, and you will understand how DaVinci learned to look at the same thing as everyone else, and yet see something different.
Did you know that DaVinci hid secrets in his art that are principles of creativity?
Jim spent time in Italy in full costume to get into Leo's creative mindset. Did you know that he was an animal rights activist?
Did you know that DaVinci was famous across Europe for his musical talents?
“It was like stepping back in time and bringing the Italian Renaissance to life. More than any textbook, video, or biographical excerpt, Jim’s performance helped the audience see that Leonardo was a real, living breathing, exasperated artist who was ambivalent about the scope of certain projects, worried about being paid, and earnest in his seach to solve the mysteries of alchemy, chiaroscuro, and flight.”
Secrets of a Super Memory
Success, personally and professionally, is based on memory ability.
What would happen if someone took away 10%, 20%, or even 30% of your memory? It would be devastating. Any relative of an Alzheimer’s patient will tell you this.
Your confidence, self-esteem, and power are intertwined with your memory. Very simply: you are your memory.
If memory is so important to who you are, what would happen if you could increase your memory ability? Memory is power. When you can remember peoples names like a politician, deliver a speech point-for-point without notes like a CEO, or memorize all the main points and supporting examples in a book—a genius ability—you will experience this power for yourself. This is an opportunity to learn a skill that is rarely taught in school.
Most people, even those with good memories, are memory illiterate. Learn nine techniques that will enable you to perform like a memory super star. Within hours you will see your memory improve.
Presentation skills for leaders
- Does your body language sell your message?
- Want to hook listeners?
- What does it mean to VAK a presentation and why is this technique used by top speakers?
- Can you make your audience feel strong emotions that will motivate them to take action?
- Do you know how to make statistics work for you and not against you?
- What are the 5 steps for telling a spell-binding story?
- Do you know how to avoid the biggest mistakes in starting or ending your talk?
- Do you know how to use the single most important tool used by great speakers, actors, and workshop presenters?
Teamwork Means Understanding Not Everyone on the Team Thinks the Way I Do
Great team leaders do more than appreciate the fact that other members of the team may learn, communicate, make decisions, and follow up on commitments with a style that is markedly different from their own. They understand how to use those differences to build a strong team. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) helps you identify natural preferences, strengths, and temperaments.
- Learn how to communicate with different personality types on a team
- Find out what to look for to create a balanced team
- Discover some clues that will help you predict team members’ behavior
- Learn a problem solving technique that will keep you from being blind-sided
- Find out how to get a best fit of person to task
This is an interactive program. You’ll use your new skills to become a personality detective and make predictions on who will fit best in a job role. A deck of custom cards will teach you to look for characteristic personality styles. You will discover how a jelly bean can help you understand more about your own fit on a team. Plus you will learn how to read other team members and how best to interact with their styles. Understanding personality differences helps you sell ideas, appreciate and use diversity in the workplace, learn faster by going with your strengths, and solve problems efficiently.
Jim is certified to deliver the MBTI type test to your employees and follow up with an interactive and practical method of learning how to apply those results to the workplace.
“Jim’s knowledge, motivation, and presentation skills are remarkable. With an instructor of his caliber we simply need more time with him.”